Kjell Noordzij

Kjell Noordzij (1995) is a political and cultural sociologist who studies the social aspect of representative democracy. Much of his research concerns how different groups of citizens perceive of democracy and their representation in it, and how political conflicts play out inside and outside electoral politics.

Inspired by works from Bourdieu’s Distinction to Erasmus’ In Praise of Folly, Kjell aims to learn from others’ perspectives and to uncover the implications of these perspectives for citizens’ democratic attitudes and behavior. Reflecting his broad range of interests and his interdisciplinary research profile, he has published on status conflicts, political trust, perceptions of cultural distance to politicians, populism, turnout, and political representation.

We see again that the social sciences are difficult for social reasons: the sociologist is the one who goes out in the street to interview Mr. and Mrs. Anybody, listens to her, and tries to learn from her. This is what Socrates used to do, but the same who celebrate Socrates today are the last to understand and to accept this sort of renunciation of the role of the philosopher-king in the face of the “vulgar” that sociology demands.

Pierre Bourdieu (1992: 204) in An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology